Hackathon Ethereum Rio 2022
After amazing events such as Bootcamp, Launchpad, Main event, and Open day, we closed Ethereum Rio with a Hackathon.
It was an amazing experience, with more than 100 participants with a total of 24 in person teams. Thanks to Fabrica de Startups we had a great infrastructure including a sleeping room and good internet. Ethereum.Rio also provided free food and refreshments.
We believe that this type of event can really accelerate the growth of the LatAm ecosystem, both impacting direct social causes, and also innovating on the tech edge field. That is why we had two different tracks: Open Track and Social Track. We also give an extra Ethereum.Rio Impact Prize.
Ethereum Rio Hackathon participants:
The Social Track
In this track, at the beginning of the event, some social initiatives or NGOs presented their projects and problems to the hackers and they had to pick one of them to build a solution for.
Below we listed all the initiatives presented:
Novos Líderes
Site: https://bora.ong.br/
Contact: Natale Papa Jr. (natalepap@gmail.com)
Entrepreneur education for people in a vulnerable state.
Educar +
Site: https://www.educarmais.net/
Contact: Carol Santos (contato@educarmais.net)
Educar+ starts in 2017 with a small number of books and a space given as a gift. They are located at Complexo do Chapadão and their goal is to provide access to education to the kids and teenagers of that place.
Site: https://mais1code.com.br/
Contact: Diego Alcântara (diego@mais1code.com.br)
A free coding school for young kids from the surrounding areas and low income communities
Site: https://www.horticidade.com/
Contact: Osvaldo Eugênio Jr. (osvaldoeugenio@gmail.com)
One of the main goals of the project is to rescue the natural and ancestral perspectives of the way that we grow and interact with food.
Museu de Favela
Site: https://www.museudefavela.org/
Contact: Márcia Souza (marciasouza@museudefavela.org)
O Museu de Favela-MUF its a NGO founded in 2008 by leaders from favelas Pavão, Pavãozinho and Cantagalo. MUF introduced this concept of "open live museum" where you can see how people from this area live and interact in society in a big community. You can also see important facts from the history of Rio de Janeiro city.
Site: https://goimpacto.com/br
Contact: Camila Nunes (camila@goimpacto.com)
Matchmaking platform that connects donators and social projects in an easy, secure and transparent way.
Social Crypto Art
Site: https://twitter.com/socialcryptoart
Contact: Gean Guilherme (socialcryptoart@gmail.com)
Social Crypto Art started with the NFT artist Gean that is from one of the favelas called Morro do Alemão. He envisions expanding his knowledge around art to other young people in favela.
Coletivo Papo Reto
Site: https://coletivopaporeto.org/
Contact: Thainã de Medeiros (thainasfdemedeiros@gmail.com)
The Papo Reto (Straight talk) is a communication, technology, culture, education, and citizenship from the Complexo do Alemão. They use the internet and audiovisual communication to ask for favela rights and press the government for investments in this area.
The Sponsors and Prizes
Thanks to our Hackathon sponsors, we were able to have $16.000 as a prize. We had $4.000 for the Open Track, $10.000 for the Social Track and $2000 for the Ethereum Rio Social Impact Prize.
The Hackathon Sponsors were:
The Winners - Open Track
Obvious crypto
On-ramp your crypto from Brazilian reais to any token in 15 seconds.
Dapp: https://obvious-crypto.netlify.app/wallet
Front: https://github.com/Alextnetto/aura-mercurius-front
Back: https://github.com/Alextnetto/aura-mercurius-back
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIbbZKu0Ku4
Improved user experience for multisig with immediate swap capabilities.
Dapp: https://poss.d1w3wqy48kyi15.amplifyapp.com/
Github: https://github.com/Njerschow/safe-react
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OvlOtmkFuoW6-K5ique6uJu8-R6423P2/view?usp=sharing
The Winners - Social Track
Social Crypto Art
A local NFT marketplace focused on local artists from favelas, bringing access and knowledge to them.
Dapp: https://eth-dapp.herokuapp.com/
Github: https://github.com/PedroCailleret/ethrio-hackathon
Video: https://youtu.be/d-Jlhh1AEs0
Learn to earn model focused on reducing the kid's evasion from the schools
Dapp: https://educadao.netlify.app/
Github: https://github.com/eth-ribon
Video: https://www.loom.com/share/0a2dea2b568a453e91d1d3a39d3c07b6
A VR gallery for NFTs together with a DAO for the art stakeholders: curators, artists, resellers, etc
Dapp: https://hubs.mozilla.com/b3tJJ7s/mosaico
Github: https://github.com/neodaoist/mosaic
Video: https://youtu.be/Sh3XKcwEiuo
More economic opportunities for artists who belong to communities.
Dapp: https://dreamy-heyrovsky-b9f702.netlify.app/index.html
Github: https://github.com/KalilBalech/hackathon-ethereum-rio
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmeZCvmcdqo
Das Marias
Investment app for the unbanked, where they can both invest directly in DeFi and also save funds in an emergency account. The Dapp is planned to have a bottom-up government system built in.
Dapp: https://dasmarias.netlify.app
Github: https://github.com/fysp11/das-marias-dapp
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ5Pd43bllg
Ethereum Rio Social Impact Prize
BlackLeadersDAO is on a mission to advance the next generation of Black leaders around the world, starting in Rio, through tech education, financial literacy, social programs, and NFT and social token launches.
Dapp: https://explorer.harmony.one/address/0xac6d196ad9ceba1c266eabf91a7b9b3e030357ae
Github: https://github.com/BlackLeadersDAO
Video: https://tinyurl.com/bld-ethrio-presentation